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Sunday Service

February 2 @ 6:39 pm

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Our Sunday Service is 11:00am to 12:30pm.

Guest Speaker

Rev. Ruth Kirby

Rev. Ruth Kirby

Rev. Ruth will share, “Not This Again”, a talk about the spiritual path to getting unstuck.

February 2nd is Groundhog Day where a small rodent is asked to predict whether we will have a long winter or an early spring depending on whether he sees his shadow or not.

It is also the time of Imbolc which is celebrated this year on February 1st. It is the exact midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. It is associated with practices of clearing away the old and making space for new beginnings and kindling hope for brighter days ahead.

Are you feeling like you could use some inspiration for the days ahead? Are you feeling like you are in some kind of repeat loop with no end in sight?

Join me for a revisit of the timeless spiritual wisdom in the movie Groundhog Day and a closer look at how we get unstuck.

About Rev. Ruth

Rev Ruth has been a Centers for Spiritual Living Practitioner for 27 years and a Centers for Spiritual Living Minister for 19 years. She founded a CSL Center and a Teaching Chapter and served as Spiritual Director of both.

She is currently a Centers for Spiritual Living educator teaching spiritual development classes online with people from all over the world in attendance. She is also an ICF Certified Life Coach offering individual personal and spiritual coaching to help people deepen and thrive in their lives.

In her personal life, she belongs to a performing improv troupe called Improv Alchemy which performs regularly here in Ashland.

If you are unable to attend in person or are feeling a bit unwell, we invite you to attend our Sunday Service online via Zoom.

Just click the button below at 10:45am:

Unity Community of Ashland

185 N. Mountain Ave.
Ashland, Oregon 97520
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