We are very excited to be able to invite you
to UCOA’s second spring retreat!
This retreat will focus on:
And, nearby we will experience the late winter/early spring beauty of Lithia Park.
Please review the following information and contact us if you have any questions. We are limited to 23 attendees. We expect these slots to fill quickly and encourage early registration to reserve your spot.
Our general schedule — and subject to change — will be:
Wednesday, March 26
• 6:30 to 8:00pm
Thursday, March 27
• 10:00am to 7:30pm
• Lunch @ 1:30pm
• Dinner @ 5:00pm
Friday, March 28
• 10:00am to 5:00pm
• Lunch @ 1:30pm
• Dinner @ 5:00pm
• Concert @ 6 to 7:30pm
Saturday, March 29
• 10:00am to 5:00pm
• Lunch @ 1:30pm
• Dinner @ 5:00pm
We will be in an incredibly beautiful retreat space at a gorgeous private estate bordering Lithia Park. Directions will be provided to each attendee following receipt of a completed registration form and full payment.
There is limited parking available at the retreat center. We encourage attendees to car pool whenever possible or enjoy a refreshing and beautiful walk between the hotel and the retreat location through Lithia Park.
The registration fee is $445/person.
by February 26
after February 26
NOTE: The registration fee is $445/person.
You have a choice of how to pay:
Attendees are responsible for their own meals.
OPTION: We are offering a six-meal plan of wonderful catered organic dishes provided on-site for lunch and dinner on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. These meals are prepared by a local caterer and available for an additional fee — separate from the registration fee — and must be paid for in advance.
HOW TO ORDER: For your convenience, you may pay for meals on PayPal using your PayPal account or a debit or credit card. Just click the button below to get started.
— Three Dinner Meals —
— Three Lunch Meals —
— Fresh & Organic —
Each attendee is responsible for their own lodging.
One suggestion is The Bard’s Inn Hotel located downtown.
132 N. Main Street
Ashland, OR 97520
Ph: (541) 482-0049
BREAKFAST: The Bard’s Inn Hotel offers a free breakfast that is available from 7 to 9:30am each morning. The hotel also offers snacks, tea, and coffee all day.
The retreat will be held a short uphill walk from the hotel. It is a glorious scenic walk through Lithia Park in springtime.